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"THE SMELL OF GREEN" (an eBook) 
(An Innerspace, Outerspace and beyond Space/Time Poetic Odyssey)  ©oneboldsoul, inc.

written by Vernell Garrett  $9.99

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16 years ago I ascended into a condition known as “Cosmic Consciousness”, but I didn’t tell anybody. It manifested in copious amounts of reading and creative writing. It’s a feeling of ecstatic, moral and intellectual illumination in which the mind feels an outline of the meaning and drift of the universe. All fear of death and all sense of sin is lost and one sees a penetrating glimpse into what he or she is at their most supreme.


We are conscious of the meanings we have assigned to the entities commonly known as "Adam", "Eve", and the "Serpent" but unaware of the unconscious effects. Regardless of our faith they play in the backdrop of our ideas about morality as absolutes about creation, God, men, women, good, evil, sin, judgement and salvation.


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Through its 475 poems, "THE SMELL OF GREEN" epitomizes the "Seven Days of Creation", "Adam", "Eve" and the "Talking Serpent" as equations and personifications that function in our daily life.

The world is at a turning point in history. We are face to face with a calling for a renewal of ourselves or face certain self destruction. Anyone who desires can be part of the vitalizing study of their own mind, going on indefinitely making his or her own discoveries. . . 


The odyssey "THE SMELL OF GREEN" tells is at once abstract yet concrete, allegorical yet real, passionate yet rational and illuminates  the energy and essence that builds the framework of our psyches, each everlastingly present within us
in our ever present Genesis.


But could the biblical story of the beginning of the Earth be a metaphor to explain the complex mystery of Time, Space, Life and Being? Could the "Adam", "Eve" and  "Talking Serpent" of the ancient past be perfectly alive and at work inside us today? 


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